We recognise that how and what we do to achieve our success, is just as important as success itself. Upholding high standards of behaviour is fundamental to the values and culture of Olam, 这是赢得和维持推荐买球平台信任的核心, customers, suppliers, employees, 社区和其他利益相关者.
加强推荐几个足彩外围app的道德和合规标准, 推荐几个足彩外围app建立了推荐买球平台商业道德计划(EBP). 这列出了坚定期望的标准和行为, 哪些在推荐买球平台行为准则中有详细说明, as well as our specific policies which apply to all businesses within The Olam Group.
推荐几个足彩外围app的行为准则阐明了推荐几个足彩外围app“做正确的事”的承诺。, founded on the values and everyday behaviours that build our distinctive culture and setting the standard for what it means to be part of Olam. 本守则有多种语言版本可供下载.
Our Policy sets out our commitment to ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and fairness, 保护推荐几个足彩外围app工作场所员工的权利. It is aligned to our ethos of Growing Responsibly and is in full compliance with the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and United Nations Global Compact’s (UNGC) 指导原则 关于人权和劳工.
Our 反贿赂及贪污政策 reflects our commitment to uphold all applicable laws globally and the requirement that all our employees act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all their business dealings and relationships wherever they operate.
作为全球粮食和农业领域的领导者, we acknowledge our role and responsibility to ensure respect for human rights in our operations and in our value chains across the world.
We aim to build long-term relationships with suppliers based on responsible business practices and trust. The Olam Supplier Code sets out our expectations to support our goal to purchase raw materials and products produced in a manner that is socially responsible, 经济上有利可图,环境上可持续.
推荐几个足彩外围app努力维持高标准的行为和合规, and we encourage employees and anyone outside the company who suspects wrongdoing, 或者谁有严重的担忧, 通过推荐买球平台举报渠道提出投诉.
All reports are treated seriously and properly investigated so that appropriate actions, where necessary, can be taken. We do not tolerate retaliation against those who raise a complaint in good faith and the procedures set out in Whistleblowing Policy are designed to ensure anonymity and protection.
Anyone wishing to anonymously raise a complaint can do so via the Olam Whistleblowing channel.
Our goal is to provide marketing communications about food and beverage products that empower consumers to make informed choices that support a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
We’re committed to operating in an environmentally sustainable manner throughout our business. We have a suite of sustainability policies and position statements to operate with, and achieve, 正直诚实.
We’re committed to operating in an environmentally sustainable manner throughout our business. We have a suite of sustainability policies and position statements to operate with, and achieve, 正直诚实.